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Showing posts from December, 2005

Danielle's Tribute

When I was 4, the land lady to the apartment my parents and I were living in, Mrs. Parr, passed away. As a child, I was old enough to understand the solemnity of the adults, but too young to grasp it for myself. Filing past the half-open casket, nodding sadly to her 34-year-old son, we went and sat down in the metal folding chairs. Swinging my short chubby legs back and forth and biting my lip, I had this distracted look on my face, thinking seriously. My father asked, "What's wrong, sweetie?" He expected some genius philosophical answer about how I had grasped the meaning and finality of death. Wrinkling my nose, I looked up and whispered loudly "WHAT DID THEY DO WITH HER LEGS?" My parents about peed their pants right there in their Sunday best. This week I have been a part of grieving another death: Danielle Petermann. I spent years in school with her, one of my 39 classmates befriending me while growing up together in our classes. In government, we used to si...

An Intimate Friendship

So, I know I've been obsessing about Dave in my last I-don't-know-how-many blogs, but bear with me one more time. I wanna recount the evening first for you, no one else has heard it yet, while it's still wonderfully crisp and fresh in my mind. He's late (as usual) picking me up because I asked him to get out of bed at a time of day he hasn't seen in weeks - in other words, the AM part of the day. So, bundling up my wonderful brown skirt and boots, I hitch up my favorite jeans, tug my amazing black top straight, plop my ample rear in his car and we're off to start a wonderful day! It started simply - we went and saw Narnia together (because the amazing thing is, we actually found a movie we BOTH wanted to see, go figure) and started the morning out a little rushed, but relaxed. We get back to the house where he lives, and as I tell his room mate Tim all about the Christian music genre he's interested in - that I've replaced with Rascal Flatts, Kelly Clar...

The 15th Has Officially Arrived!

It's about one in the morning, but holy cow, a part of me doesn't want to sleep. In a matter of HOURS and not DAYS I get my time with Dave. I love that it's all a surprise except for some vague hints about "dinner reservations at 5" and "dress nicely but dress warmly" tantalize me and make the minutes seem to crawl by, BUT LET THEM CRAWL. If it were possible, I'd cripple time, break its knees and wrists, just for a little while tomorrow morning...while I'm showering and putting on my favorite skirt (and most shamefully expensive piece of clothing whose price tag has been buried safely in my closet) and shampooing my hair just so I could savor the anticipation. Call me a freak, but I LOVE the moments leading up to a highly-anticipated day. I always function best when I have something to look forward to, and while I enjoy those wonderful anticipated days, and writing about (well, gushing about) them, a part of me is sad...because it's over. I c...

Singing His Praises

It's been a very good weekend on several levels. Thursday sucked, because I had to study for math the night before, get up early, study two more hours of math, take my math final, try and hang out with a friend and falling asleep, taking a two hour nap, and then working 9 hours WITHOUT a break until 2 IN THE MORNING. Utterly miserable. But I studied with Dave in the morning. I hung with Dave after my math final until my other friend arrived. Dave picked me up from work at 2 in the morning. Dave stayed until 3 rubbing the splintering pain from my spine. I slept until 1 in the afternoon the next day and was just fine. So Saturday meant Dave and I have been going out for 6 months...and I feel kinda bad. He has this plan to celebrate it...but not until Thursday the 15th. The hackles rose in my Princess genes, but I knew that was unfair to him, he's actually making an effort to make a special night to celebrate. But Saturday, the boy was invited to come over around 11 to hang out af...

Meet Honey

This is my dog, Honey. She is a big furry mutt, half Chow and half Golden Retriever and twice the smell and cuteness. Furry and playful, if she's not pawing at the back door waiting to get out, she giving someone puppy eyes and positively begging for attention. She likes to stand guard over my ankles in the morning to make sure stray cereal pieces don't attack them. In fact, she likes to guard everyone's ankles at every meal, just in case - even to the point of enveloping our bare feet with her all-consuming furry body by SITTING ON TOP OF our feet. She lives with us over at my dad's house and is the reason why several of my dad's good work shirts are torn and buttonless, why our used-to-be white carpet is more a calico style, and why the top of the stairs is suspiciously warm every morning, even when she's not supposed to be upstairs. This is my loving smelly furry friendly annoying playful gentle mutt of a dog. And for some unknown reason, I think I love her ...

Gone in 30 Seconds

This past Saturday sucked. It sucked so much it brought a newer and deeper definition to the word 'suck'. I was at work all day at Wendy's, working the drive-thru register as usual...but it was cold. Really freaking cold. And I couldn't wear gloves, or else I couldn't ring in the orders and make change. And I couldn't zip up my coat, because then I wouldn't be able to use the buttons on my headset. My fingers went numb, and the only feeling I had was the jabbing sensation I got when hitting buttons. And for nearly three hours, my window was almost perpetually open because of the steady flow of customers. And when I wasn't by the window, I was washing dishes. And when a car came up to the speaker, I had to take me and my sopping arms back to the cold window and dry the water off with icy winter air. I've done this before, but it especially sucked then - I got in a bad mood and stayed there most of the day. So I'm going through the motions, grumbli...