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Singing His Praises

It's been a very good weekend on several levels. Thursday sucked, because I had to study for math the night before, get up early, study two more hours of math, take my math final, try and hang out with a friend and falling asleep, taking a two hour nap, and then working 9 hours WITHOUT a break until 2 IN THE MORNING. Utterly miserable. But I studied with Dave in the morning. I hung with Dave after my math final until my other friend arrived. Dave picked me up from work at 2 in the morning. Dave stayed until 3 rubbing the splintering pain from my spine. I slept until 1 in the afternoon the next day and was just fine.

So Saturday meant Dave and I have been going out for 6 months...and I feel kinda bad. He has this plan to celebrate it...but not until Thursday the 15th. The hackles rose in my Princess genes, but I knew that was unfair to him, he's actually making an effort to make a special night to celebrate. But Saturday, the boy was invited to come over around 11 to hang out after work and so I can see him on the 6th. The boy declines on account of tiredness, and yet talks for an hour and a half with me on the phone. Fortunately for the wholeness of his vulnerable throat, he picks up on my slight annoyance and addresses it. He makes up for it by offering to spend Sunday night with me after he got off work at 7. Putting away the grindstone and sheathing my knife, I accept the offer.

So, today is Sunday. And...we hang out. With my 11 year old brother...and 13 year old sister...and my dad...watching a devastatingly dorky G-rated campy movie. THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT. It wasn't that bad, but I was getting a little frustrated. HE SHOULD KNOW THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT A MIND READER?! Again, he somehow managed to pick up on my negative aura positively EMANATING from all 5'3" of me after he playfully pinned me down for the 12th time that evening. I wasn't really that mad, really, but him immobilizing me and stuffing snow down my pants after my mood-o-meter was already in the yellowish "peeved" area, that didn't do much to send that needle back toward the green area.

But he was shrewd enough to pick up vibes that my mood-o-meter was outta wack, and has offered to chat online later tonight, sometime around eleven thirty. So I've wrestled the needle back into Green and stuffed the sheathed knife into the back of my closet (trust me, it's better than being lost in a black hole in there, just trust me) and done some thinking.

Look, this guy will drive me home at two in the morning from work, give me a back massage as three in the morning, is willing to hang with me AND my entire family, is able to pick up my mood vibes and act appropriately, and has only postponed celebrating with me so he can make the most of it for me. *piles more dirty clothes into the closet* A silly little thing like shoveling snow down my trousers isn't gonna faze me compared to all that goodness.


Deb said…
So, will we get an update after the 15th?

By the way, LOVE that mood-o-meter thing!

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