Long before I knew I would be getting married in December, I knew for a fact that I would never have an outdoor wedding. I would not be able to handle the stress of planning 2 locations for the ceremony and making paranoid visits to weather.com for the prior 3 weeks. I'm also a person that when I develop a certain expectation (such as getting married outside) I would not be able to roll with the punches if it rained. In fact, I just might start punching people. Why didn't I remember this key aspect of my personality before I started planning my yard sale? Hours and hours of rooting and tagging and pricing and ad-placing - and what do I get? Torrential downpour, one tentatively dry hour, and 7 lousy guests during an 8-hour day. My damn yard sale got rained out. And I want to punch someone. The good news? At least I've earned a little more money than I spent advertising for the dumb thing. The bad news? I've made an equivalent of $2.50 an hour. That right there...