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What A Way To Start The Day

Typically, I'm a pretty laid back person; not too much fazes me in general. But anticipating a talk with someone where I don't know the subject always makes me anxious. They're also the times I pray out loud to God, not just in my head, but verbalizing myself to the ceiling fan because I'm so nervous.

Dave is anti-Starbucks, but has just suggested we go out to one this morning - he wants to talk to me. As usual, I've analyzed the wordology to death, and I don't think it's anything bad, but I'm still anticipating a talk where I don't know what the content will be. So my anxiety kicks into high gear and God gets an audible earful of it as I ask him to give me peace and to calm me down.

So, this is part of releasing my anxiety - just turning it into black and white letters so I can analyze my own thoughts as well.

Wait, this just in - he wants a nap first so he's delaying meeting for another hour. AGH. The agony of waiting!!

But I guess I'm not too nervous now - if he's relaxed enough to have a nap, then it shouldn't be too bad.


[One last update - our Good Samaritan neighbors strike again! I left the front door open to let a little morning light in, so our neighbor across the street calls the house to make sure someone's home because he saw the open door. God bless you, John!]


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